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6 Ways to Improve Home Health Face to Face

Posted by Melissa Cott on Mar 18, 2022


In its newsletter CGS Medicare reports that many physician certifications do not contain a statement documenting the date of the home health face-to-face encounter.

Most providers utilize the CMS485 form for the plan of care, physician certification and face-to-face. Does your certification statement meet the current requirements? 

PHYSICIAN FACE-TO-FACE DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTSDownload the  Physician Careplan Oversight Tracking Sheet

  • Home health services are needed because the patient is confined to the home
  • Patient needs skilled services on an intermittent basis. The physician must include a brief narrative describing the clinical justification of this need as part of the certification, or as a signed addendum to the certification.
  • A face-to-face encounter (occurring no more than 90 days prior to or within 30 days after the start of the home health care) was related to the primary reason the patient requires home health services, and was performed by an allowed provider type.
  • The certifying physician must also document the date of the encounter.


6 Tips for Getting Physicians to Complete the Home Health Face to Face

1. Make sure the CMS485 includes the following statement in Form Locator 26:

I certify that this patient is confined to his/her home and needs intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy and/or speech therapy or continues to need occupational therapy. The patient is under my care, and I have authorized services on this plan of care and will periodically review the plan. The patient had a face-to-face encounter with an allowed provider type on (date)  and the encounter was related to the primary reason for home health care. Physician’s Signature and Date Signed: John Doe, MD 11/05/2016

Physician’s Name and Address:  John Doe, MD              
2121 Washington Pkwy               Suite 220              
Washington, DC 20000

Note: This represents one example of a valid certification statement. Certification statements can be included in varying forms or formats as long as the content requirements (#1-5 above) for the certification are met. If the agency’s current physician certification statement does not document the date of the face-to-face encounter, a statement as the example above can be added to another locator on the plan of care.

img-face-to-face-for-home-health2. Affix a 'Sign-Here' Sticky on the CMS 485 to remind the Physician of where and what to sign.

Mark the sticky to ask for the the most recent face to face encounter date.

3. Use the physician office visits as a marketing opportunity.

Provide printable progress reports on your patients during the office visit.  Share new information regarding staff training and careplanning. 

4. Include a Careplan Oversight Documentation Form (download the Log sheet!) for physicians to record time spent monitoring the home health careplan.

5. Offer to track careplan oversight (CPO) so the physician can (easily) bill Medicare for CPO.

This is a VERY effective Physician Marketing Strategy!.

6. Use your EMR's Physician Portal for order-signing.

Most EMRs have physician portals. Make sure the Portal prompts the physician to include the date of the face-to-face encounter.

How to Use Etiology and Manifestation ICD Codes on OASIS

Download the Home Health EMR Confidentiality Form