Home Health Blogger

Melissa Cott

Recent Posts

Home Health Best Practices for Reducing Hospitalizations

As certified HHAs already know, Medicare is tracking your hospital admission rates. Hospital re-admission rates are tracked for all providers...hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation, dialysis facilities... because a hospital admission may suggest a breakdown in patient care.Around...

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jul 16, 2024

Performance Improvement Plan for M1400 Dyspnea/Shortness of Breath

A patient's strong respiratory and endurance condition is important to Medicare because it helps the patient continue to live at home.

Its because of this that Medicare tracks and scores HHAs ability to improve respiratory and endurance function on  Quality of Patient Care Star Rating.

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jun 25, 2024

Teach the Patient/Caregiver How to Take a Blood Pressure

The trained patient/caregiver is the best resource for identifying ineffective treatment.

Teaching the patient/caregiver to monitor the patient's blood pressure will contribute to a well-managed hypertension condition.

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jun 16, 2024

Rule #3 for Preventing Re-Hospitalization? Retire the Answering Machine.

Medicare rewards HHAs for LOW hospitalization rates, and punishes HHAs with high rates. For Medicare (and all payers for that matter), re-hospitalizations imply substandard care.

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jun 11, 2024

Rule #2 for Preventing Re-Hospitalization? Prepare Patient for Exacerbations.

Medicare charges hefty financial penalties to providers who send patients back to the hospital after a recent hospital admission. 

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jun 4, 2024

Rule #1 for Preventing Re-Hospitalization? There's Someone to Teach.

Preventing re-hospitalization is a critical goal for healthcare systems worldwide, aiming to improve patient outcomes and reduce unnecessary healthcare costs. Central to achieving this objective is the presence of knowledgeable individuals who can effectively educate patients about...

Posted by Melissa Cott on May 21, 2024

OASIS-E O0110A: Are You Careplanning for Chemotherapy?

O0110. Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs: Cancer Treatments

Navigating a cancer diagnosis is a complex and emotional journey, where one of the most critical aspects is planning for chemotherapy. Ensuring a comprehensive care plan is essential to manage the physical,...

Posted by Melissa Cott on May 14, 2024

If Patient is Wheelchair-Bound Complete OASIS-E GG0170 Accordingly

If your patient is wheelchair-bound AND will receive Physical Therapy, it is important to note which GG0170 assessment questions are applicable. It is ALSO important to note that if the patient will NOT be receiving physical therapy, GG0170 should be skipped or each question answered...

Posted by Melissa Cott on May 1, 2024