
If Patient is Wheelchair-Bound Complete OASIS-E GG0170 Accordingly

Posted by Melissa Cott on May 1, 2024

If your patient is wheelchair-bound AND will receive Physical Therapy, it is important to note which GG0170 assessment questions are applicable. It is ALSO important to note that if the patient will NOT be receiving physical therapy, GG0170 should be skipped or each question answered with '88' or '09'. NOT ALL GG0170 Mobility assessment items are applicable.

If the Wheelchair-Bound Patient will be Receiving Physical Therapy...

If the patient is cognitively alert and has rehabilitation potential (see GG0100), the focus of physical therapy is likely to include the following:

  • Improve the ability to manipulate a wheelchairPatient-Teaching Handout 20 Exercises for  Wheelchair-Bound Patients
  • Strategies and exercises to maximize all manner of transfers: car transfer, toilet transfer, bed-chair etc
  • Bed mobility
  • Improve ability to maintain sitting position
  • Exercise lower extremities, back and stomach muscles
  • Practice transitioning from one surface to another with or without supportive equipment.
  • Family, staff and patient education

GG0170 Transferring Questions - All Are Applicable - ONLY IF Patient IS RECEIVING Therapy

Is the patient receiving physical therapy? Then the following GG0170 transfer questions ARE applicable to the wheelchair-bound patient. If the patient is NOT receiving Physical Therapy, these questions can be left blank or answered with '09.' or '88.' 


  • GG0170A Roll left and right: The ability to roll from lying on back to left and right side...
  • GG0170B Sit to lying: The ability to move from sitting on side of bed to lying flat on the bed.
  • GG0170C Lying to sitting on side of bed: The ability to move from lying on the back to sitting
  • GG0170D Sit to stand: The ability to come to a standing position from sitting in a chair,
    wheelchair, or on the side of the bed.
  • GG0170E Chair/bed-to-chair transfer: The ability to transfer to and from a bed to a chair (or
  • GG0170F Toilet transfer: The ability to get on and off a toilet or commode.
  • GG0170G Car transfer: The ability to transfer in and out of a car or van on the passenger-side. Does not include the ability to open/close door or fasten seat belt.


GG0170 Mobility Questions - Most are NOT Applicable

Most of the following GG0170 mobility questions ARE NOT applicable to the wheelchair-bound patient. The GG0170 'SKIP' patterns should be applied at the appropriate intervals: GG0170I, M & N.

  • GG0170I Walk 10 feet: Once standing, the ability to walk at least 10 feet in a room, corridor, or similar space. If GG0170-MobilitySOC/ROC performance is coded 07, 09, 10 or 88, ➔Skip to GG0170M, 1 step (curb)
  • GG0170J Walk 50 feet with two turns: Once standing, the ability to walk 50 feet and make two turns.
  • GG0170K Walk 150 feet: Once standing, the ability to walk at least 150 feet in a corridor or similar space.
  • GG0170L Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces: The ability to walk 10 feet on uneven or sloping surfaces (indoor or outdoor), such as turf or gravel.
  • GG0170M 1 step (curb): The ability to go up and down a curb or up and down one step. If SOC/ROC performance is coded 07, 09, 10 or 88, ➔Skip to GG0170P
  • GG0170N 4 steps: The ability to go up and down four steps with or without a rail. If SOC/ROC performance is coded 07, 09, 10 or 88, ➔Skip to GG0170P
  • GG0170O 12 steps: The ability to go up and down 12 steps with or without a rail.
  • GG0170P Picking up object: The ability to bend/stoop from a standing position to pick up a small object, such as a spoon, from the floor.


GG0170 Mobility Questions - R, RR, S, SS All Are Applicable - IF Patient IS RECEIVING Therapy

If the patient is the patient receiving physical therapy, the remaining GG0170 questions are applicable to the wheelchair-bound patient. If the patient is NOT receiving Physical Therapy, these questions can be left blank or answered with '09.' or '88.' 

GG0170Q Does patient use wheelchair and/or scooter?
0. No ➔ Skip to M1600, Urinary Tract Infection
1. Yes ➔Continue to GG0170R, Wheel 50 feet with two turns
GG0170R Wheel 50 feet with two turns: Once seated in wheelchair/scooter, the ability to wheel at least 50 feet and make two turns.
GG0170RR1 Indicate the type of wheelchair or scooter used.GG0170-Wheelchair
1. Manual
2. Motorized
GG0170S Wheel 150 feet: Once seated in wheelchair/scooter, the ability to wheel at least 150 feet in a corridor or similar space.
GG0170SS1 Indicate the type of wheelchair or scooter used.
1. Manual
2. Motorized

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