Hip Replacement: 2024 PDGM Utilization Guidelines
Hip replacement recovery for many patients will take place in the home. Hip replacement patients will likely receive formal physical therapy from home health and/or outpatient physical therapy.
OASIS M1860 Ambulation/Locomotion - Answer Indicated GG0170 Only
Just because the patient has a mobility deficit doesn’t mean s/he is a candidate for physical therapy. The patient’s status prior to this current episode is the primary driver that determines if physical therapy is needed or not. If the patient is not a candidate for therapy and will...
M1860 Ambulation Deficit...Is PT Really Indicated?
When a mobility deficit is recorded on OASIS’s M1860 is physical therapy always indicated?
Elimination of OASIS Therapy Threshold Created Reimbursement Restrictions

When PDGM became effective back in January 2020, home...