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OASIS E & PHQ2-9: Identifying a Depressive Disorder

Posted by Melissa Cott on Jan 11, 2022

The new OASIS-E Start of Care OASIS assessment has fifteen (15) sections, A - O. 

Section D, or section 4 of 15, addresses the patient's mood and presence of depression.Download OASIS Outcome Measures Guidance Manual

Depression and anxiety are major health issues among patients receiving home care and are frequently under-diagnosed and under-treated. Unmanaged depression is related to sleep problems and heart disease(1).


The PHQ-2, first introduced with OASIS-C in 2015, is a screening tool to identify if a patient has experienced a depressed mood over the past two weeks. PHQ-2 is the 'screening' portion of the Mood assessment of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ).

Now with OASIS-E, if a patient has positive results on Question A or B s/he will now be further evaluated with the PHQ-9, 7 additional questions, to determine whether criteria has been met for a depressive disorder. 

PHQ-9 is derived from the original and longer PHQ assessment that addresses multiple mental health concerns including panic disorder, anxiety, sleep disorders, and others.

The PHQ-2-9 score determines the severity of the depression (according to the diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).



The clinician is instructed to ask the patient: "Over the last 2 weeks, have you been bothered by any of the following problems?"
If the symptom is present, enter 1 (yes) in column 1, Symptom Presence.

If yes in column 1, then ask the patient: "About how often have you been bothered by this?"
Read and show the patient a card with the symptom frequency choices. Indicate response in column 2, Symptom Frequency.

(1) https://www.apa.org/pi/about/publications/caregivers/practice-settings/assessment/tools/patient-health


OASIS E Section O: Special Treatments

OASIS E - M1610 Urinary Incontinence/Catheter Presence

Three (3) Steps to Effective Medication Teaching